"The man gives his woman the gift of non-monogamy and incredible sexual experiences with others, and in turn the woman gives her man the gift of being involved in her experiences in some way."
Well here it is: my first post about life in this strange world of being a cuckoldress. I use that word 'strange', but really it's not strange at all to me, just strange to the people who don't understand it. In fact, I feel like cuckolding in relationships is just a normal way of expressing your love and adoration of each other in a way that society generally feels is taboo in nature.
I often find myself being asked to define cuckolding, and oh my... I struggle with how to do that in a way that accurately credits this beautiful lifestyle. It's easy to say cuckolding is a man who enjoys watching his woman have sex with other men, but that doesn't even come close to encompassing what it is. Cuckolding is different for everyone and there's a huge spectrum of practices within it, but the main theme of cuckolding for me is that it's a one-sided open relationship and it's a gift you give each other. The man gives his woman the gift of non-monogamy and incredible sexual experiences with others, and in turn, the woman gives her man the gift of being involved in her experiences in some way. It's a two-way compersion street.
I personally love the power imbalance that comes with cuckolding. The woman is admired, cherished, adored, and treated like a queen by her man while he is absolutely faithful to her. He loves making her happy and he enjoys seeing her satisfied. She's put on a pedestal where she belongs and he makes sure she stays there.
Some cuckolds enjoy a level of humiliation within their relationship and again that varies between couples, some intense humiliation and others less so with more love and respect for the cuck.
Personally I don't feel comfortable with anything overtly cruel or mean but I can understand how some submissive men may enjoy that dynamic.
Regardless of which definition you feel is more accurate, I'm hoping to use this blog as a means to help people better understand the cuckolding lifestyle, share insight on what it is like to be a cuckoldress, and in doing so helping myself to navigate and understand this amazing and exciting cuck world. Take my word for it, it's fucking fascinating!
Venus xo