By cuckboy chas
In the world of sexual dynamic relationships and lifestyles, there are many categories, and a lot of descriptive terms used within those categories. Within the interracial lifestyle, there is a term, Black Owned. What does that term exactly mean? That's something my wife and I had to finally figure out and answer for ourselves a number of years ago, when confronted with that very thought, coming from my wife one day, when she had the idea, she may want to be Black Owned. Of course, we as well as many other people have heard the term and may have had some idea of what it meant, once we were serious about that prospect of inviting a Black Bull to live with us, all of a sudden, the term needed much more definition and meatiness - yes pun intended... than what we previously, individually, thought.
Historically speaking... Black men in the lifestyle typically consider white women who really like black men, to be "black owned" because of their "cravings" for black men. This is pretty much a lifestyle truth in many ways, but it didn't solve or address our issue with what does being Black Owned mean to us, in our thoughts and most likely, a future reality.
Another seemingly familiar aspect of being Black owned was the term coined by Black men to describe a White woman addicted to the sensation of breaking a taboo through interracial intercourse and acknowledging interracial intercourse is simply addictive... hence the phrase --> Once you go black, you never go back! We all are familiar with that term, however, that didn't go toward what we felt we were searching for in our quest for the meaning of Black owned in relation to my wife's and my, desired understanding.
So over the course of many hours and many periods of discussions, we finally landed upon what we considered being Black owned meant for us. Since my wife had been pretty exclusive to Black Bulls for years already, she and I were use to all the terms and phrases one hears and uses when talking about interracial lifestyle subjects. What my wife seemed to want was having a full time, at home dynamic, where the Black bull was in her reach at all times, or more like, she and I were within the Black bulls area of control at all times, and various elements of our life, specifically our sexual life, on a daily basis. This would afford my wife to be completely submissive to her bull and his desires for her at all times, day and night, given specific elements that might need to be off limits for obvious reasons... work, economic, and financial issues, that would need to be agreed to mutually. My wife wanted to sexually transfer herself to the Bull and his control of her complete sexual life, and establish a three tier sexual structure of the Black bull on top, herself in the middle, and me at the bottom, serving them both in, again... mutually agreed upon rules, roles, activities and actions.
This is exactly what we ended up doing, once we three sat down and mutually established all of the aspects of daily life structure within the three tier lifestyle dynamic, the mutually agreed upon rules, roles, activities and actions, we felt dealt with the three of us, uniquely to us. Of course, some aspects were aspects we had to let evolve over time. That's understandable with anything you're trying to do that's uniquely new. It's trial and error, what works for you, is what works. You cannot force the square peg into the round hole, no matter how hard you try, or want it to fit. Once you do discover what works for your specific dynamic, your own unique dynamic... then you can begin to grow and that's always positive for the overall relationship.
So what does it mean to be Black owned? It means what it means to you! Everyone needs to define it for themselves. Your lifestyle dynamic will be different than anyone, so you'll need to establish what you want and what it will take for you to get to that point. Just be realistic and know you have to make everything mutually agreed upon. All three parties involved must be on the same page together. If not, it won't work!
If anyone desires to know particular details of our individual elements of agreement and activities and the rules we developed for ourselves to conduct our three tier dynamic by, just let me know in the Queens Quarters Community on www.VenusCuckoldress.com , and I'll be happy to try and answer your question.