"Eventually I made Ryan listen on the phone when I was with a guy. I was a bit nervous about it but obviously excited too. I wanted him to hear how much I loved what I was doing, and what was being done to me. I wanted to hear his voice and for me to whisper things to him."
This is my story of how I got into the cuck lifestyle.
I had been involved in open relationships for several years and I knew that I wanted a non-monogamous relationship with someone however I wanted to have a lot of control over my own sexual freedom. I look back now and realize it was a cuck that I wanted but of course I didn't know what that really was back then. Anyways back to my story....I was navigating the bland vanilla dating world (sigh) on Tinder, when I matched with this amazing guy who I will call...hmmm what will I call him....how about Ryan. Yes, Ryan.
I began to by telling Ryan how I had no intentions of being monogamous (something I would tell anyone who I considered dating) and he became quite interested in that. Over the next few days and weeks the flurry of exciting and intense conversations we had were all about me learning about his cuckolding fantasies and I admit I was quite wrapped up in it all. The more I learned about it, the more I loved it. I remember him saying "You're going to get tired of me talking about it." but actually I never did. I loved talking about it with him, I craved it, it turned me on in a way that I'd never experienced before.
He loved how I wanted to sleep with other men (while he was totally faithful to only me) and he encouraged that side of me. In fact he explained to me that being called a slut is a compliment - something I passionately agree with now. He would be so turned on when I told him about my sexual adventures and when I sent him pictures and videos, and I in turn got turned on by his reactions to it all. That sort of effect we had on each other was what made the relationship so intense, so magical, and so unique; I loved him deeply.
Eventually I made Ryan listen on the phone when I was with a guy. I was a bit nervous about it but obviously excited too. I wanted him to hear how much I loved what I was doing, and what was being done to me. I wanted to hear his voice and for me to whisper things to him. I wanted to tell him I loved him as I was on my knees in front of a huge cock. It was an incredible experience for me and it was all I could think about for the next several days - fucking amazing!
Ryan told me the next day that listening on the phone the night before actually made him trust me even more. I've since heard someone say that "cheating is a betrayal of trust and cuckolding is an exploration of trust" and I would agree with that 100%. Cuckolding only enhanced our foundation of trust between each other and I think this kind of growth is something that a lot of people are unaware happens in these types of relationships.
Eventually, things ended between him and I; Ryan's work schedule took over his life and he no longer had the time needed for this kind of relationship and I had to move on, but I'm so grateful for him introducing me to this whole lifestyle that I've since completely immersed myself in. It really was the perfect beginning to this journey into the cuck world!
Venus xo