"But what if you actually do meet a cuckoldress who’s interested in you and wants to date you? You better truly be a cuck, because if you’re in all of this to satisfy some fetish, it will never ever work out. If arousal is motivating you to date a cuckoldress, you’ll be sadly disappointed."
You've all read about how difficult it's been for me to find a good cuck boyfriend especially locally, so I decided to get some perspective on dating from a cuck friend of mine about what it's like to try and find a cuckoldress in the dating world. I figure all of you cucks might enjoy reading about what he's gone through and maybe relate to his experiences or learn a thing or two as well.
Jay is 27, lives in the Pacific Northwest, and had this to say about dating as a cuck:
“As a 27 year old cuck, attempting to date is a very daunting process. The pool of women who would even consider you is quite small, and if you don’t live in a major city, you might be completely out of luck. There's an issue with age, as the many women looking for a cuck tend to be older. So if you’re looking for someone younger, or you find someone older and they’re looking for a cuck their age, then things become so much more difficult. You might have to rely on internet dating, and end up finding someone who’s perfect for you but lives hours away or perhaps on the other side of the country. And sometimes when all else fails, you might have to just settle for vanilla dating, and hope the other woman agrees to take on your lifestyle”
“But what if you actually do meet a cuckoldress who’s interested in you and wants to date you? You better truly be a cuck, because if you’re in all of this to satisfy some fetish, it will never ever work out. If arousal is motivating you to date a cuckoldress, you’ll be sadly disappointed. A cuckoldress wants her cuck to be happy and satisfied, but the last thing she could ever care about is your sexual satisfaction. If you actually do end up in a relationship, there's a good chance she won't want to have sex with you. There's also a good chance she will never want to see your cock unless it's locked up. As someone that has been in a few cuckold relationships, don’t even schedule that first date if you’re not prepared to accept the fact that your cock will be locked up as long as you are in that relationship.
You better also try to understand what it's like to truly be emasculated. She's going to find men who are more handsome, more muscular, taller, and far more hung than you.
They will sexually arouse your girlfriend more than you ever will, and they will give her more pleasure than you ever will. So before you even begin dating, there is a big decision you must make for yourself.”